Definition, History, and Superstition |

Publish date: 2024-06-09

Sanpaku eyes are a Japanese face-reading term translated as “three whites.”

Three whites have more of the white portion (sclera) visible above or below the iris.

It is different from most eyes, which have visible whites only on the sides of the iris.

The medical term for sanpaku eyes is scleral show.

Although the scleral show is normal, it can occur due to certain health conditions or cosmetic eyelid surgery.

The condition can be categorized into two types based on the position of the exposed sclera: Yin sanpaku (lower scleral show) and Yang sanpaku (upper scleral show).

History of Sanpaku Eyes

A Japanese macrobiotic theorist, George Ohsawa, first described sanpaku in 1965.

In his book “You Are All Sanpaku,” Ohsawa claimed that “any sign of sanpaku meant that a man’s entire system — physical, physiological and spiritual — was out of balance” and could signify an imminent threat or “early and tragic end.”

Ohsawa claimed to have predicted Former US President John F. Kennedy’s death in 1963.

President Kennedy had yin sanpaku eyes.

The face-reading tradition in Asian cultures agrees with Ohsawa’s claims that sanpaku eyes can indicate someone’s fate.

What Causes Scleral Show?

The scleral show is an anatomical condition that can be inherited from your parents, or it may appear later in life as your facial structure changes shape.

Lower scleral show can also be a complication of blepharoplasty (eyelid lift).

Lower scleral show, also called inferior scleral show, can produce a wide-eyed appearance or make the eyes look bigger.

How Common are Sanpaku Eyes?

Yin sanpaku affects about half of people to some degree, according to a 2020 study that measured 123 volunteers who lacked eye diseases.

Some 19 percent of the total had a more pronounced scleral show, a millimeter or more.


Sanpaku eyes are a unique anatomical feature that has been associated with Japanese face reading and superstition.

Although they are not considered abnormal in Western medicine, they can be caused by certain health conditions or cosmetic eyelid surgery.

Yin sanpaku is more common than Yang sanpaku and can indicate someone’s fate according to Asian face-reading tradition.

Lower scleral show is an anatomical condition that can be inherited from your parents or appear later in life as your facial structure changes shape

