Where are gold nuggets found in Arizona?

Publish date: 2024-06-07
The desert areas of Arizona are ideally located for nugget hunting. Rich placers have been found in several parts of Arizona, the best known are located at: Lynx Creek, Weaver (Rich Hill), La Paz and Greaterville, but smaller placer gold

placer gold

Placer mining /ˈplæsər/ is the mining of stream bed (alluvial) deposits for minerals. This may be done by open-pit (also called open-cast mining) or by various surface excavating equipment or tunneling equipment.

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Placer_mining

deposits are found all over the western part of the state.

Where is the best place in Arizona to find gold?

Here are some of the most popular spots to prospect for gold in Arizona:

What part of Arizona has gold?

Much of the active placer gold mining in Arizona is around the town of Wickenburg. Areas of high gold potential are located north of Wickenburg in Yavapai county, and south-southwest in Maricopa county.

Where is the best place to metal detect for gold in Arizona?

The Red Picacho area, the Hassayampa area and the San Domingo area are all well-known to Arizona gold miners. Research on other old mines and ghost towns within the county and you will be surprised to learn of great places to explore.

Where is the gold in the Arizona desert?

Using a metal detector is one of the most popular methods to search for gold in the desert. In states like Arizona and Nevada, metal detectors are still used very successfully to locate gold nuggets. They don't require any water to use, and modern gold detectors have gotten quite good in recent years.

CoinWeek: EUREKA! ARIZONA GOLD: 2nd Largest Nugget Ever Found in AZ.

What rivers in Arizona have gold?

Miners have been finding gold in these rivers since the 1860's, and there is still plenty of gold left to find!

Is metal detecting legal in Arizona?

Metal detector use is allowed on public lands. Modern money may be collected, but coins and artifacts more than 100 years old may not be collected.

Where can I pan for gold for free in Arizona?

The Lynx Lake Gold Panning Area is a free-entry, federal recreation area maintained by the U.S. Forest Service. It's located off Highway 69 and about six miles from Prescott Arizona. The Lynx Creek placer district is a great place to pan, and historically a lot of gold has been pulled from this area.

Is there gold in the Salt river Arizona?

South of Phoenix by 9 miles, in north part of the Salt River mountains, the Max Delta Mine lode gold can be found. If you go out 18 miles in north foothills of the Phoenix mountains, the Winifred district, the lack White Mine produced lode gold.

Are diamonds found in Arizona?

Diamond: The only diamonds found in Arizona are meteoric, and occur in meteoric iron found at Canyon Diablo, near Coon mountain, in the northern part of the state. The crystals are very small, and have no commercial value.

Can you metal detect for gold in Arizona?

Metal Detecting Laws For Arizona

Most parks are open to detecting as long as you fill any holes and leave no trace. In Arizona, the rules for treasure hunting are wide open when it comes to classifying treasure as there exists no particular rule in the state about detecting non-relic items. So gold and coins are a go!

Where is Rich Hill Arizona?

Rich Hill is a peak in Arizona and has an elevation of 5,344 feet. Rich Hill is situated southwest of Lion Peak.

Can you find gold in any river?

Every river in the world contains gold. However, some rivers contain so little gold that one could pan and sieve for years and not find even one small flake. The amateur prospector will not be able to determine whether gold is contained within an outcrop of rocks.

Is prospecting legal in Arizona?

Prospecting is the gathering of information on mineral resources. Prospecting is allowed within a designated Wilderness Area, but an approved Plan of Operations is required. No person can acquire any right of interest to mineral resources discovered by prospecting or other information-gathering activity.

Where can I mine gold for free?

10 Free Gold Panning Areas in California

Is there gold in the desert?

Although thirty-two states have recorded significant commercial gold production, the highest yield areas have been located within the western states. The recreational gold prospector can find gold in the deserts and mountains of the western states, taking note of the history of prospecting in the region.

Is there gold in the Gila River?

Gold is found in ancient river gravels that mantle terraced bluffs of Gila Conglomerate along the Gila River downstream from the mouth of Eagle Creek to Bonita Creek (Graham County); the gold ranges in size from flakes up to wiry particles a quarter of an inch long.

Can you look for gold in the Superstition Mountains?

For more than a century, people — locals and visitors — have ventured into this part of Arizona looking to find one of the oldest legends: a gold mine. NADINE ARROYO RODRIGUEZ: The Superstition Mountains are one of the most visited locations in Arizona.

Can you find opals in Arizona?

Opals have been found at the Burro Creek in Wickenburg. This is a well-known mineral producing area that will produce a wide variety of collectable minerals. The Southern Sky Opal mines are located in southern Arizona near Tubac in Santa Cruz County. These mines produce a soft blue opal that is highly desirable.

Does the Grand Canyon have gold?

Even though there are gold deposits in the Grand Canyon, there is no mining of any kind allowed within the National Park. Since the known gold deposits hide amongst the silt and gravel in the river, there isn't any place that you can go panning.

Is there gold in Lake Havasu?

There are plenty of locations in the desert around Lake Havasu City where a prospector can find some gold. In fact, Mohave County is the 2nd leading gold producer in the state of Arizona. Not everyone is familiar with the golden history of this area.

Where is Rich Hill gold?

Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0. Yavapai County, AZ

Rich Hill in Yavapai County, Arizona is famous for the size and quality of the high karat gold that it has produced consistently over the last century. It is also famous for its history.

