Who is Dr Peter Hotezs wife Ann Hotez?

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Dr. Peter Jay Hotez is an American scientist, pediatrician, and advocate in the fields of global health, vaccinology, and neglected tropical disease control.

Peter Hotez serves as the founding dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine, Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine.

Peter Hotez is also Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development and Texas Children’s Hospital Endowed Chair in Tropical Pediatrics, and University Professor of Biology at Baylor University.

Peter Hotez  has previously served as president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Peter Hotez is also a founding Editor-in-Chief of PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Peter Hotez is also the co-director of Parasites Without Borders, a global nonprofit organization whose focus is on those suffering from parasitic diseases in subtropical environments.

Dr. Peter Hotez has actively used his public profile on Twitter and other social media platforms to help combat misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Peter Hotez has also appeared as an invited expert in a number of cable news and radio shows and in an interview with the American Medical Association, Hotez noted that communicating clear messages about the ongoing pandemic is of vital importance in an environment that is rife with confusing and misleading messages.

Who is Dr Peter Hotez’s wife Ann Hotez?

Ann Hotez is the wife of Dr. Peter Hotez and the couple have 4 children, one of whom has autism and intellectual difficulties.

Rachel Hotez was diagnosed with autism in 1994 at the age of 19 months


