Who put the brain in Mona's locker?

Publish date: 2024-04-18
It is revealed that Caleb put the cow brain in Mona's Locker in She's Better Now.

What did Mona have on Lucas?

He claims that Mona has been blackmailing him to help her ever since the Masquerade Ball in the Season 2 finale. In Season 4, however, Mona reveals that Lucas actually was the "A" who gave Emily a massage.

Who was the beach hottie in PLL?

Beach Hottie is the pseudynym Alison used in her journals to describe relationship between her and another man in Cape May. This person turned out to be Darren Wilden.

What did Paige do in PLL?

Before they were officially a couple, Paige tried to drown Emily in the school swimming pool. Paige first appears on the show toward the end of season one on the episode "If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again." She was introduced as Emily's competitive swimming teammate.

Was Mona's body in the barrel?

The Body In The Barrel Is Not Mona's Because She's Alive

The stink in that barrel and the look on Tanner's face lean toward decaying organic material (aka human flesh) being in that barrel, but Mona is certainly not the only person who has been killed in Rosewood in the last five seasons.

Pretty Little Liars - 3x14 - Mona finds a brain in her locker

Was Holbrook helping Ali?

11. Gabriel Holbrook, last seen season five, episode 18.

After helping Alison, Holbrook was suspended from Rosewood's finest/shadiest for "inappropriate behavior." He was so upset about this that he grabbed Hanna hard enough to make her hit him with a tire iron, and then — you know how this goes.

Who Moved Ian's body from the bell tower?

We found out in the Season 4 finale that Alison pushed Ian off the bell tower, and his reaction to seeing her indicates that he might have known that she was alive as he said "What are you doing here?".

Is Paige part of the A team?

In "The Lady Killer," Paige is officially cleared as an "A" despite Mona and Toby's plan to frame her for Maya's murder because of Nate St.

WHO WAS A after CeCe?

While in the psychiatric hospital, Mona takes up a partnership suggested by the then unknown CeCe Drake that starts off the second game. After this, Mona became another henchmen in the "A" hierarchy, obeying the orders of CeCe, whom she knew as Red Coat. Mona was kicked off of the A-Team in the season three finale.

Is Malcolm Ezra's child?

Malcolm Cutler is Maggie Cutler's son and was believed to be Ezra Fitz's seven year old son. He was portrayed originally by Flynn Morrison, and then portrayed by Teo Briones. His father is revealed not to be Ezra, but some "mistake" made by Maggie with another man.

Who almost got Ali pregnant?

Ezra got Alison Pregnant Before She went missing... and she had the baby | Fandom. I have a theory. I just watched episode 4x22 again and I am thinking about the whole deal with Ezra dating Alison, how they met and their relationship.

Is Wilden part of the A team?

The A-Team as of "Game Over, Charles" has consisted of Charlotte (Formerly adressed as Charles), Sara, Spencer, Mona, Toby, Lucas, Melissa and Wilden (according to Mona).

How did Alison get pregnant PLL?

2. Alison carried Emily's babies. Emily's eggs were harvested and stolen in season 7A. Later, they were fertilized (the father's identity: currently unknown) and implanted into Alison when she was unconscious.

Did Ali know Mona was A?

Yes, Ali found out before the Liars that Mona was “A” during seasons 1-2. But - she only found this out sometime after A's return in the pilot episode.

Who knew Alison alive?

Fandom. Ian Thomas knew that Alison was still alive... So at the end of season 1, when he's struggling with Spencer at the bell tower, someone wearing a hoodie comes in and he says, "What are you doing here?" At the end of season 4, Alison says that she pushed Ian.

Who helped Mona be A?

Lucas Gottesman: Aided Mona with her A schemes while she was in charge in season two.

Was Aria Montgomery meant to be A?

Spoiler alert: “A” was revealed to be a few people: Mona Vanderwaal, CeCe Drake, and “A.D.,” AKA Alex Drake, Spencer's (British) twin sister. According to Lucy, the main cast all wanted to be “A,” but it was not to be. "I wanted Aria to be 'A'. I think we all wanted to be the bad guy,” she said.

Did Alison know CeCe was her sister?

After Charlotte was murdered, Alison learned that Charlotte was actually her adoptive sister and biological cousin, due to Charlotte's birth-mother being Mary Drake, Jessica's twin sister.

Was Wren supposed to be A?

Wren was never meant to be AD. Wren and spencer's twin were equal options for the role of AD but marlene chose spencer's twin to be AD and told troian about this idea during season 5. and cece was always meant to be A.

Who kills Maya PLL?

In the television series, Maya died in Season 2 finale, "UnmAsked" after being murdered by her stalker ex-boyfriend. This plot occurred in the book series, as Maya stayed alive.

Why did Mona become A?

In the books, Mona becomes "A" as revenge for the Liars taking part in the blinding of Jenna Cavanaugh. In the TV show, Mona joins the "A-Team" because she feels that the Liars (possibly including Alison, as she received notes from "A" as well) "took" Hanna away from her.

Why is Toby A PLL?

Toby Cavanaugh (Keegan Allen)

Toby isn't a top “A” like Mona. Instead he was a member of the “A Team,” as revealed in season 3, and helped Mona with her devious plans. Toby claims he only joined “A” as a way to keep Spencer safe.

Who was living under the DiLaurentis house?

True ! Jessica knew Cece was the one living down there, I'm sure of it ! Also, thanks to Jason's flashback, we know that Mrs D and Cece were at Aunt Carol's house after 3x19.

Who choked Alison in house?

Alison's Attempted Killer is a previously anonymous character in Pretty Little Liars, who attempted to kill Alison DiLaurentis by hitting her on the head with a rock during the Liars' sleepover on September 1, 2009. In Season 5, Alison's killer is revealed to also be Big A.

Who attacked Emily in the greenhouse?

I just watched the episode after and it pretty much confirms that it was indeed Lucas. I'm pretty sure it was Mona in the Greenhouse. The person Hanna hit with the car had A's mobile phone with them. Mona wouldn't have given it to Lucas.

